Chemist/chemical engineer

to support our development and application projects with international customers. The job is part of our core business, the project planning and execution of high-purity manufacturing conditions in the field of chip production, microelectronics and optics.

You are trained as a chemist or chemical engineer and have gained initial experience in an internationally active company. You will have contact with customers or suppliers whose working language is English. You will prepare reports and presentations in English using common data evaluation and presentation programmes.

You will report internally to the Head of Customer Projects in Development and in joint meetings to the Managing Director. The independent presentation of results to our clients is desired.

Europa, Switzerland (m/f)
Workload 100%
Dagmar Hochbein
HR Human Resources

Contact us

Our requirements for you

Job profile

  • Carrying out analyses on customer samples and materials
  • Trace analysis in air and water
  • Evaluation and presentation of results
  • Report preparation and presentation in the customer context
  • Customer support also in non-European countries

Your skills

Your profile

  • Training as a chemist or chemical engineer
  • Professional experience in analytical chemistry
  • Good language skills (DE/EN)
  • Proficiency in common LIMS software and office software
  • Willingness to travel

